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Family Law

We advise on all the traditional problems arising from family breakdown

Family Law Solicitors, London

We advise on all the traditional problems arising from family breakdown, pre-nuptial agreements and civil partnerships. We work with our clients to achieve practical and realistic solutions. 

Our expertise covers;

    Divorce: Ending the marriage/civil partnership
    Financial Orders (Matrimonial home, pension sharing, maintenance claims for client and/or children)
    Arrangements and disputes involving children including moves abroad
    Education and religion
    Pre-Nuptial and postnuptial agreements

Case Studies

These are a selection of cases (anonymised for privacy) that we advise on: 

    Representing high net worth clients on Divorce, Financial matters, Shariah rules and Jurisdictional disputes.
    Advising a foreign client whose child was removed from the father and brought into the UK on false pretences and making an application under the Children’s Act for the child to be reunited with the father.

Contact our Family Law Solicitors, London

For more information on our services and how we can help you, get in touch today.